CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Guess the Girl!

A Poem by Vaidehi Partani, Class VIII-A

Once there was a girl, 
Naughty, sweet, beautiful girl.
She was the best of ones,
Now she is one in millions.
I still remember the time spent with her,
The precious time, the lovely time with her.
She made me eat spoons of sweet,
She made me drink cups of tea.
She even helped me in my problems,
She never said no to my problems.
She is like a wish to me,
Which always always comes true.
People say it is difficult to find a fairy,
But I’ve found this fairy.
She is just standing in front of me,
She is so much like me.
Guess the girl, who she is,
With perpetual positive thinking.
Guess the girl with whom I spend time,
With never negative thinking.
She is only and only…You!