CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

The Dark Room

By Tanya Gupta, Class IX B

The wind was blowing violently and the sun was about to set. I was returning to my ancestral house after ten years to live with my father’s brother, uncle Jared and his wife Rebecca.
I saw a large white house with big windows and a well-maintained garden with roses and marigolds. I could glimpse the yellow and orange lights from the windows but one of the windows was dark. I kept staring at that window and felt as if something was staring back at me. As I was busy looking at that window, I felt a pat on my back and I turned and saw a tall lady with brown hair and blue eyes standing in front of me. She was my aunt Rebecca Rochester.
“Welcome Lily! Your uncle and I were waiting for you. Good to see you back.”
She took my suitcase and guided me towards the house. Uncle Jared was standing at the door. He was strong built but a solemn looking man.
“Hello Lily! I hope you will be comfortable living with us.”
“Yes, thank you so much for having me here.”
I followed my aunt through a dark passage. The grey walls were covered with several paintings. I could spot various scenes of birds, flowers and mountains in the paintings. They were so fascinating that I could not stop myself from complimenting, “These paintings are really good. Who made them?”
As soon as she heard this, her smile faded. She replied evasively, “Well! They are very old. Come, this is your room. The supper will be ready within half-an-hour. So, come downstairs by then.” And then she left.
I unpacked my suitcase and dressed for supper. My aunt had prepared my favourite curry which was piquent and delicious. I ate it and got up to return to my room. As I passed the corridor, I came across a wooden door. I could hear sounds as if someone was there in the room. I was about to go inside, when someone caught hold of me. It was my uncle.
“It is too late and I think you should go and sleep.” I obeyed.
The next morning I was woken up by a loud scream. I ran out and could hear uncle Jared shout. I went downstairs. Aunt Rebecca stood still with tears in her eyes. Uncle Jared was trying to comfort her.
“Is anything wrong?” I asked.
“Nothing that you should worry about,” replied uncle Jared, “I think you should go upstairs to your room.”
I obeyed and went back. As I walked through the corridor, I stopped. That wooden door was open. I decided to explore. Inside the room, I felt something unusual. It seemed as if I was not alone there. The entire room was dark as if someone had painted it black. But suddenly, I caught sight of something shiny in the corner of the room. I moved towards it and suddenly felt as if I had stepped on somebody’s feet. I heard a small shriek.
I stumbled back and groped for the switches. When I turned the lights on, I saw a girl standing in front of me. She had deep blue eyes, golden hair and pale white skin. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She looked uncannily like aunt Rebecca. She stood still and smiled. I could see a diamond ring on her right hand.
“Who are you? What are you doing in this dark room?” I asked.
“I am Emily Rochester, Jared and Rebecca Rochester’s daughter.”
I was shocked. “How is that possible? I never knew that they had a daughter.”
“Have patience. I will answer all your questions. But first, let us go downstairs.” As we entered the drawing room, my aunt and uncle were astonished to see us and stood up.
“Why did you come out?” said uncle Jared.
“Why can’t I? How long are you going to keep me in that horrible room just because you don’t want me to come in front of people?”
“We did it for your own safety. Emily, this world is not a safe place. People can harm you. We love you so much, we don’t want to lose you.”
“What is my fault if I am a girl? Have you ever realized how I live there all day in dark, all alone, with no one to speak and to play with? I want to come out. I want to breathe the fresh air, make friends, live my life to the fullest. Please don’t make me a prisoner even if it is for my own safety.”
Uncle Jared and aunt Rebecca realized their mistake. And I was happy that I found my sister.