CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

My Family Ties

Shruti Laddha, Class VI D

Once my grandparents were travelling to my cousin’s place on a scooter. After spending some time at my cousin’s house, as they prepared to leave for home, my grandfather called my grandmother and told her to sit on the scooter. After a while, he thought that she had sat on the backseat and drove away. In reality, my grandmother had just come out of the house. She tried to stop him but grandfather didn’t hear her call. On the way, he kept thinking that she was sitting behind him and kept talking to her. After a while, he found it strange that he wasn’t getting any replies from her. That was when he turned and he realized that he had left grandmother behind. He took a U-turn and went back to pick her up. He found her walking towards him. They both had a hearty laugh as they headed home. When my grandfather shared this incident with me, I just couldn’t stop laughing!

Besides my family and friends, I also love animals, especially dogs. I hate it when someone hurts them. Every day, in the morning, I go for a walk with my mom. One morning I noticed my friend Tina throwing stones at a stray dog to keep it away from her house. I felt very bad. The dog is also a living being. It may get hurt. If the dog got angry, it may even bite her. She could have just tried to scare him instead of hurting him. I later talked to my dad about this. He told me that there are some organizations which adopt stray dogs and that we can also stop this by spreading awareness amongst people. I will also talk to Tina about this.

A poem for my favourite family member:

The Angel of my Dreams!
Oh! There’s a lady,
She sometimes calls me lazy.
Just think about her,
It will really make you crazy.
Whenever I cry,
She asks me, oh why?
She always makes me smile,
And keeps her sadness in a file.
Oh this wonderful lady,
Is the angel of my dreams.
Can you guess who she is?
Yes, of course, it is my mom!