CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Kalash Talati, Class IX B

The true essence of life lies in forgiveness. Forgiveness is the best gift that one can give to another. When we forgive someone, qualities like kindness, loving nature and supportive attitude are displayed.
But why should we forgive someone who has wronged us? We should do so because it helps us to create a better understanding between us and the one who is at fault. Also, forgiveness is the worst punishment we can give to someone as when we forgive a wrong-doer, he feels guilty for his wrong deed and that is worse than any physical punishment.
Forgiving someone heals from inside. Forgiveness is the only thing which separates humans from monsters. Because monsters seek revenge but only humans have the power to forgive. Forgiveness is so potent that it can even turn a monster into human.

Whatever religion we follow, the main message spread by every religion is to forgive.