CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Nikunj Gupta, Class VIII C

Once upon a time, in the city of Las Vegas, lived a boy named Jimmy Henderson who loved to trouble insects and created chaos wherever he went. He thought that insects are tiny organisms who can be hit or killed and nothing would happen as humans are the most superior beings.
He just never dealt with one insect – the cockroaches. He was so afraid of them that even if he saw a very small one, he would start crying. His family and especially his mother Christina always stopped him from hurting those small creatures but would he listen? He experienced a rapture in hurting those insects.
One day, his family made a plan. The main purpose of this plan was to make Jimmy aware that if humans hurt insects, then even the insects can hurt humans.
At night, after Jimmy had gone to sleep, Jimmy’s family left lots of toy cockroaches on his bed. When he woke up next morning, he was horrified at the sight of cockroaches all over him.
His family members kept chuckling outside the room as Jimmy kept shouting, “Mom, save me! The cockroaches are attacking me.” He kept on crying until he was finally exhausted.

His family entered and Jimmy was happy to see them. They told him that they had set this plan so that he could understand that if we hurt insects, they could also hurt us.