CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Lack of Humanity

Swasti Solanki, Class IX D

I wasn’t allowed to play in the dark
When someone came with a chocolate bar.
‘Come here child’, he said
I walked behind, and he led.
I had to do as he said
If not, I was told ‘I’d be dead’.
Working in the factory, all day and night
Making all those crackers was not my choice.
Tired and exhausted, no time to rest
But my owner said, the crackers have to be the best.
More cruel he said he could be
All I said was ‘Please forgive me’.
I lost my home, my childhood was lost
I wanted to be free at any cost.
All I need is an answer for
‘Where has all the humanity gone?’