CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Learning from Mistakes

Siddhant Dubey, Class X E

Human beings, God’s most unique creation, are not meant to be perfect. In fact, our little flaws and mistakes make us more human than a robot. I am reminded of an incident which taught me the fact that we all make mistakes.
One day, I got up late and missed my school bus. I was severely reprimanded and got some respite only after I had promised to always be punctual. Only to find, the next day, my mother had overslept and reached office two hours late.
The whole day, she avoided me but in the end came to me and said, “It’s human nature to make mistakes. We all do. The better thing is to learn from them. I have learnt and I hope so have you.”

“I have”, I replied as I realized that we learn more from our mistakes than from our successes. I take FAIL to be the ‘First Attempt In Learning’. I am therefore not afraid of making mistakes. I learn from them and correct them in no time.