CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Pollution Control: The Need of The Hour

Aura Pandey, Class XII A

Pollution has invaded all aspects of our life abjectly with our consent. Be it the air, water, food, or our surroundings, everything has been polluted by the relentless activities of man. In times like these, when the atmosphere is putting much more at stake than just the quality of our lives, pollution control has become an urgent need of the hour.
The mismanaged waste from industrial production, the thoughtless wastage of resources or the simple maltreatment of nature has polluted the water we drink, the air we breathe and even the soil that grows our food. Pollution does not remain content with disrupting our lives alone, it is creeping into the health of our mother earth. From rising temperatures to a star- less sky, the warning signals cannot be brighter. It is high time we put our foot down and took measures to stop this menace once and for all.
Simple steps, one at a time, and a little contribution from all will keep the problem at bay. Starting with boycott of toxic materials like plastic, thermocol, etc., moving on foot or cycles, using public transport, and preventing wastage of electricity, water and other things. Simple things like these not only reduce the waste but improve our personal lives as well . Apart from these, we should join hands with the government and undertake programs regarding reforestation, industrial waste management, etc.
The situation is urgent, however not out of hand yet. We need to act together and act now to protect ourselves and our beloved home from the plight of our thoughtless deeds.