CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

A Childhood Mischief

Anirudh Malpani, Class X A

I was just six years old when I got my stomach washed! The summer had arrived and so my cousin sister was at my place for her vacations.
One day, when all the elders were busy, my sister and I went into the store room. First we had some biscuits and wafers and then I saw a yellow box kept out of reach. Piling up some boxes that we found in the store, I climbed up high enough to reach that yellow box. It was cockroach poison!
As far as I was concerned, it was just like a piece of chalk and I ate some of it. I don’t know how my grandmother got to know that we were in the store. First we were scolded. Then, when she got to know that I had eaten that thing, without wasting any time, she rushed me to a hospital.
How no one was able to hold me down at the hospital while a nurse tried to inject some medicine into me and I kicked her is another story altogether.
Finally, it was all over and we were back home. Now everyone wanted to know what had exactly happened. As we retold the events of the day, the grown ups realized that my sister had also eaten some of that chalk! Now it was her turn to be taken to the hospital!

Many people came to see how I had accomplished that feat. I used to take them to the store room and tell them how I had made this difficult task a piece of cake.