CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Her Promise

Khushi Shah, Class XII B

She had a dream.
She wanted to help people in need.
Could she be who she wanted to be,
No, she couldn’t be.
Why? ‘Cause her family wouldn’t let it be.
Married her off at a young age,
Now and forever, she was stuck in a cage.
Her dreams tied up, her tears dried up,
In the wrath of her destiny.
She didn’t know what it’ll be,
All that she wanted was to fly far away,
Live near the bay…
In her rushed life, her dreams slowly faded away.
Now here she lay,
Dreaming about her child dreaming.
She promises herself, for her child to be
Whoever she wants to be.
No matter what, she’ll fight any destiny
She’ll fight till infinity,
She’ll fight for thee…