CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Cyber Security Session by Mr. Rakshit Tandon

July 16 2024

Mr. Rakshit  Tandon, Cyber Security Evangelist  and National Cyber Security Expert delivered an insightful talk on the dangers of misusing social media, emphasizing the delicate balance between its indispensability and potential hazards. He highlighted that while social media is an integral part of modern life, its misuse can lead to serious consequences. Using live examples, Mr. Tandon illustrated cases where individuals were cheated, duped, or blackmailed due to sharing personal information online. His stories were compelling and served as stark warnings about the risks involved. Mr. Tandon advised students to exercise caution and prioritize safety while navigating social media platforms. The talk was highly appreciated by the audience and had a significant impact on the students, prompting them to reflect on their online behaviour. His message resonated deeply, encouraging a more judicious and informed use of social media among the young listeners.
