CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Public Speaking- Myself, Object Talk

June 26 2024

Public Speaking Event 

  • Myself – Class I
  • Object Talk – Class II 

Public speaking activities help in building children’s confidence and in eliminating their stage fear. By observing their friends and classmates, they learn how to express themselves better and more effectively. They also learn to use appropriate gestures and voice modulation. With these objectives in mind, a Public Speaking Event was conducted for the Shishyans of Class I and II on Wednesday, 26th June 2024. The Shishyans of Class I spoke on their most favourite topic ‘Myself’. They displayed commendable enthusiasm and confidence while talking about themselves, their likes, dislikes and hobbies.

Object Talk is an activity which has a physical object or a visual aid as a topic of discussion. Class II Shishyans brought an object of their choice and spoke a few lines about it. Most of them were confident  with interesting content. Their expressions and gestures spoke volumes of their practice and hard work. 
