CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Professional Development of Educators

June 12 2024

As part of the continuous Professional Development of Educators, Shishukunj organized a series of workshops for educators from 12- 14 June 2024. These workshops gave new insights to educators and enabled them to align their teaching with NEP 2020. Of course, the focus was on skill development and 21st century skills.

The workshops were as under :

June 13, 2024
Resource Person: Ms. Surbhi Arora

A lively and engaging workshop on design thinking was conducted the resource person , Ms. Surbhi Arora, an alumna of IIM Calcutta with a background in Education Leadership and extensive experience as a certified career counsellor, instructional designer, and happiness coach.
During the workshop, educators were divided into groups to collaboratively identify problems affecting the school environment, student engagement, or personal growth. Guided by Ms. Arora, they applied the principles of design thinking to these challenges. This process involved empathizing with those affected, defining the core problems, ideating potential solutions, prototyping actionable steps, and testing these solutions. By the end of the workshop, each group had developed practical, tailor-made solutions ready to be tested in real-world situations. Inspired by the interactive and thought-provoking session, educators expressed their enthusiasm to implement these strategies to resolve issues around them.

June 14, 2024
Resource Person: Dr. Asher R. Yesudoss

A workshop on ‘Igniting Young Minds: Fostering curiosity, Creativity, Critical thinking and Problem Solving Skills’ was conducted by Dr. Asher R. Yesudoss .The Leadership and Corporate Trainer was very impactful as a resource person as his valuable inputs and structured guidance helped educators learn varied learning styles of students and ways to incorporate active teaching learning strategies most effectively in a classroom scenario. Dr. Yesudoss gave direction to 80 teachers attending the session, as he provided an insight into the challenges educators experience in making conventional teaching learning environment and age old techniques more engaging and productive with enjoyable interactive experiences.

June 15, 2024
Resource Person: Ms. Jayshree Mehta

The focal point of this workshop was emotional intelligence, highlighting its significance in understanding both self and others. The speaker, Ms Jayshree Mehta, an alumni of Sophia College Mumbai, explored concepts such as sympathy, empathy, and the science of children’s emotions, offering practical strategies for comprehension and effective handling. The workshop was interactive, featuring engaging activities, including an eye-opening exercise where participants stepped into each other’s shoes. This activity fostered empathy and reinforced the workshop’s message of emotional awareness in educational settings. Attendees left with newfound insights and actionable techniques to enhance classroom dynamics and student interactions.
