CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Anveshan – (Class V)

May 1 2024

When Shishyans, Science and space come together, the atmosphere is electric!

Anveshan- a Science Club initiative at Shishukunj aims to take science beyond the realm of textbooks and provide the Shishyans with exciting opportunities to explore and engage with the world of science. It is a programme driven by Shishyans – they choose the theme for the month and execute it themselves with the educators providing necessary support.

The first edition of Anveshan was conducted on 1st May 2024 and was much enjoyed and applauded. It dealt with the intrigues of Space. The Shishyans will continue this journey of inquiring, researching and learning in the subsequent editions of Anveshan!!
