CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

360 Degree Learning Curve

April 27 2024

Shishukunj believes in the holistic development of children. Numerous activities are planned throughout the year to achieve this goal. The first edition of the 360 degree programme for the academic session 2024-25 was conducted in the last week of April. The theme was ‘India’s Elections.’ Voting is not just a right, it is every citizen’s duty as well. This fact was discussed with the Shishyans so that they not only become responsible citizens of the future but also motivate their adult family members to exercise their franchise. Informative videos, a comprehensive powerpoint presentation and an attractive and engaging display of the election process was put up by the educators. Class V Shishyans were given hands-on experience of the voting process as well.

They also took a pledge to motivate people around them to caste their vote.
