CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Prisha Ayush Papriwal’s Contribution to Vande Jalam

April 15 2024

The  Maha Abhiyan Vande Jalam is being conducted on a large scale to increase the ground water level of Indore and to conserve water for a prosperous tomorrow for the coming generations. To generate awareness for this campaign, an event was held at Ravindra Natya Grah Indore. Prisha Ayush Papriwal of Class II G was selected to demonstrate her idea of conserving water for Indore. She portrayed a picture of a water droplet and recited a poem on water in the presence of the honorary Water Resource Minister Mr. Tulsi Silavat, Mr. Prasann Prabhu, Dr. Niharika Shivhare and Mr. Pushya Mitra Bhargava, the mayor of Indore.

Well done, Prisha! The Shishukunj family is proud of you.
