CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


The pedagogy at Shishukunj focuses on experiential learning so as to equip students with the required 21st century skills. Innovation, collaboration, critical thinking and emotional intelligence form the base of the teaching practices followed in school. Inquiry based learning keeps the students and educators in a ‘forever learning’ mode which contributes immensely to the teaching /learning process. Leadership and communication skills are interwoven into all the teaching modules.

To ignite and not just to impart is the maxim followed by the educators of the school. The focus is on understanding and comprehending the concept and its application rather than just ‘knowing ’ it.Interactions in the classroom are student centred and aim to draw out what the student thinks. Constant effort is made to help the students to assess, analyse and compare rather than just accept the written word.

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“Don’t teach me – reach me.” “If I can’t learn the way you teach, teach me the way I learn.” Profound thoughts such as these provide a pointer to the unique teaching methods of Shishukunj. Here teaching is based on innovation and effectiveness with emphasis laid on practical aspects of education. Along with textbook teaching, researches and projects are encouraged along with personalised attention & continuous monitoring of growth. The teaching process is uniquely structured so as to make learning a joy and the knowledge gained, long lasting. Shishukunj philosophy focuses on nurturing the latent talent in every student, thus realising the very mission of Shishukunj: ‘Let every bud bloom.’

BeeBringer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Moreover, a novel concept in itself, the R&D department (RINWIN – Research & Innovation Wing) at Shishukunj continuously analyses and adopts the best practices followed worldwide after through evaluation. This ensures that students at Shishukunj are introduced to the best there is in the world.

The  school atmosphere is very loving and caring with individual attention being paid to each child. Every effort is made to make the school environment congenial and cordial, not only for the students  but for educators as well.

Research & Development

A novel concept in itself, the R & D department at The Shishukunj International School adopts the best practices followed worldwide after their thorough analysis and evaluation. This ensures that students at The Shishukunj International School are introduced to the best there is in the world.


In its endeavour to provide the best education possible,The Shishukunj International School utilizes the services of noted consultants wherever required. This not only ensures that it is constantly kept abreast of the best educational practices but that it also gains from expert third-party evaluation, insights and view points on education.

Teachers as mentors

Since the school believes in value-based education, teachers here are assessed not only according to their academic qualifications but also their general outlook towards life and the values they believe in. As a result of uncompromising standards in staff selection, each child, and equally important, each parent, will know that here is a teacher who is not only a guide, mentor and friend, but an ideal person to turn to for advice and support.

Low teacher-student ratio

As the average class size at The Shishukunj International School stands at around 30-40 students, individual attention and proper care towards a student’s all-round development is ensured.

Stress-free learning environment

The entire teaching process is uniquely structured so as make learning a joy while examinations too are designed towards making them stress free.  Instead on ‘one big year end ‘ examination, the school has the concept of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation , wherein the child is assessed throughout the year.

Community service

The strong values instilled in students at The Shishukunj International School include the concept of ‘giving back to society’. In keeping with this particular thought, students are encouraged to participate in various community development and service programmes.