CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Dreams; Aims

Author: Nyasa Kamargaonkar, Class VII A

Ambitious are my thoughts,
Colossal are my dreams.
This aim of mine is magnificent.
I have no limits, never will, it seems.

I will make my dreams come true.
And so I can go bellowing to the world
to make them true.

People of this planet may think I am ‘young’,
My AIMS have broken the bondage of being ‘young’ long back.

I don’t need someone’s sanction for my dreams,
I have enough of it by myself.

My family and friends are the launchpads for my success
That’s something I will always need.

Petty things to do are not in my vocabulary,
My aims don’t let them in.
Meticulous, magnificent and memorable are my things.

I don’t and can’t waste time on useless work.
I feel it’s ridiculous to sleep till late hours,
And lose dear time in a mere doze.

Celebs were never my ‘IDOLS’,
But they are, who followed their passion, talent, and dreams
To make a difference.